Elaborate Medium / Long Term Projects

If you require a Custom CMS (Back-Office) for professional purposes, consider developing a Web-Based Application meticulously tailored to your business workflow needs. This enables your partners/employees to use the application for tasks such as generating calculations, charts, statistics, spreadsheets, PDFs, and any other work tools necessary for data management through a Web User Interface accessible from any browser.

Given that not all elements can be anticipated in advance, it is crucial to thoroughly explore and understand the end-users’ needs. Effective project management necessitates the use of various tools, methods, and, importantly, common sense.

Several tools and methods as well as “common sense”, are required in project management.

The initiation of elaborate projects benefits greatly from well-defined specifications and well-structured requirements, serving as a valuable guideline throughout the development process.

DIGITALABS - ICT & Web Technologies: Software Development

Web & Cloud Computing

Web applications facilitate accessing and managing business data on the go and from any location. These applications can be developed using Open-Source libraries or by incorporating Ad-Hoc features for major corporate routine tasks and activities.


Although cloud computing is prevalent, the security of these applications depends very much on users-end and their knowledge of the risks associated with networks. Factors such as confidentiality, integrity and availability of online data need to be carefully considered in advance, despite established ‘best practice’.

Any application exposed to the global network is inherently vulnerable. A preliminary analysis of the operational context is imperative for companies handling sensitive information.

Systematic Web Development Process

User End Analysis - Project Specifications - Customer Requirements- Budgets
Development - Coding - Design: Hosting - Server Setup - Database Back & Front-End Development - Natural Indexation
User End Tests: Iterative Checks - Optimisations - Back-Office User Training...
Digital Marketing: According to the customer's wishes


Representational State Transfer (RESTful) serves as an abstraction of the architecture of the World Wide Web. Specifically, REST is an architectural style comprising a coordinated set of constraints applied to components, connectors, and data elements within a distributed hypermedia system.

RESTful intentionally overlooks the details of component implementation and protocol syntax to concentrate on the roles of components, the constraints governing their interaction with other components, and their interpretation of significant data elements.

A REST API is composed of an assembly of interlinked resources, collectively referred to as the REST architecture types. These include formats such as JSON, XML, HTML, or Plain Text, offering flexibility, speed, lightweight design, and scalability. Notably, it stands as the most widely used API format on the Web, leveraging the HTTP protocol.

DIGITALABS - ICT & Web Technologies: REST Software Development

REST and HTTP are Not the Same

REST (Representational State Transfer) and HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) are not the same; however, they are closely related concepts.


  • REST: REST is an architectural style or design pattern that defines a set of constraints and principles for creating web services. It focuses on the representation of resources, stateless communication, and a uniform interface.
  • HTTP: HTTP is a specific protocol that implements the principles of REST. While REST can be implemented using other protocols, HTTP is the most commonly used protocol for building RESTful web services.


  • REST: REST is a set of architectural principles that guide the design of networked applications, emphasising a stateless client-server communication model and the use of standard methods and status codes.
  • HTTP: HTTP is a protocol that specifies how information is exchanged between a client and a server over the web. It defines methods (such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) for communication and status codes to indicate the outcome of the request.


  • REST: REST is protocol-agnostic, meaning it can be implemented using different protocols like HTTP, SMTP, or others.
  • HTTP: HTTP is a specific protocol used for communication over the web, and it is not limited to RESTful architectures.


  • REST: REST emphasises a uniform interface, including the use of resources, representations, and standard methods.
  • HTTP: HTTP provides the foundation for this uniform interface in REST by defining methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) and status codes.

In summary, while REST provides the overarching principles for designing networked applications, HTTP is a specific protocol that can be employed to implement those principles. Other protocols could also be used to implement RESTful services, but HTTP is prevalent due to its simplicity and wide adoption on the web.

Methodologies & Work Planning

For long-term Software Development, established methodologies for planning and structuring IT projects may be employed. One such method is “Agile software development,” which advocates adaptive planning, evolutionary development, early delivery, continuous improvement, and fosters rapid and flexible responses to change.

However, the application of these methods necessitates a “cross-functional team“: a group of individuals with diverse functional expertise collaborating toward a shared goal.

One notable approach is Scrum, a framework designed for effective team collaboration on complex software projects. Project management also requires the integration of common sense and field experience, in addition to addressing technical implementation and needs assessment.

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DIGITALABS - ICT & Web Technologies WordPress CMS
DIGITALABS - ICT & Web Technologies Infomaniak Network SA
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