Frequently Asked Questions

Perform WebMail (Workspace) login

Technical information

Whatever device you use, the parameters are identical for configuring your email addresses:

Important Security Notices

  • For secure data encryption, always use Secure SSL connections.
  • To avoid data loss, make regular Local Backups of your messages / files / attachements locally on your pesonal computer.

Default Communication Internet Ports (Check your Settings)

Many ISP block SMTP port number 25 in order to avoid spam issues. Should that be the case, you must specify alternative safe SMTP port number such as 587 or 2525. The email address entered must match an email address that is assigned to the domain.

  • POP3 port: 110
  • IMAP port: 143
  • SMTP port: 25 deprecated! Use 587 (widely-supported and standardized) or 2525 (widely-supported and standardized)
  • HTTP port: 80 (avoid!)
  • HTTPS port: 443
  • Secure IMAP/S over SSL port: 143 / 993 / 465 (Gmail)
  • Secure IMAP/S AppleMAIL iCloud over SSL port: 993
  • Secure POP3/S over SSL port: 995
  • Secure HTTP/S over SSL port: 443

Useful Links



  • The client assumes full responsibility for any damage to intellectual or industrial property of others, public order, morality and any other dispute related to his domain name.
  • The user agrees to make its own backups of his files, emails or other data stored on the server. The provider is not responsible for any loss of data, whatever the reasons (piracy account, deleted data by mistake by the customer, data loss due to a corrupted backup, etc.).
  • The user is responsible of his password which must not be given to third party. He must be aware of the risks on the Internet (Trojan Horses, phishing, hoax, viruses, spyware, adware, etc.), and must use his services with discretion (avoid coffee shops and public WIFI).
  • Use STRONG PASSWORDS AND SSL CONNECTIONS TO ENHANCE SECURITY -> More information about Rules of Conduct.
  • Remember to perform local backups on your computer or on external hard drives for greater safety in case of data loss.


  • Unlimited storage for each email account. For Web-Applications, the disk quota is provided according to each specific needs.


  • Due to the limitations of the Internet, the client shall be aware that the provider cannot be responsible of access speeds or delays from other providers in the world or any other difficulties to access services caused by inherent problems with personal computers or other devices. The provider uses EUROPEAN STANDARD POLICY FILTERSANTI-SPAM and ANTIVIRUS and cannot be responsible for non-delivery of emails (check spam folder regularly).
  • The system administrator has the right to temporarily suspend access to its services for maintenance and / or improvement without any right to compensation. However, it agrees to implement all means available to minimise this type of interruption (night short downtime periods GTM/EU).
  • In the case of services interruption for maintenance, hardware or software upgrades for security patches, customers will be notified in advance.


  • Be aware and note that E-mail exchanges are not 100% secure nor 100% confidential due to technical limits of the internet and therefore cannot be fully guaranteed.
  • The provider disclaims any liability for any damage caused because of the use of e-mails or the internet.


  • No personal details are stored when you access the server if not explicity asked and agreed. Privacy and Confidentiality will be considered between the provider and customers.
  • The provider respects the private sphere and protects data stored on the server. The information stored on the server is treated with the utmost respect and is neither sold nor distributed, for whatever purpose.
  • The email service is considered as strictly confidential in its entirety and no access of any kind is authorized, other than by the email account holder themself using their access details and usual software.


  • The provider specifically disclaims any other warranties, including any warranty of merchantability. The provider cannot be responsible for any consequential damages. The hostmaster is not responsible for the loss of income due to a services interruption.
  • Unauthorized use (SPAM, ILLEGAL CONTENT TRANSFER, WAREZ) will result to an immediate suspension of services without any compensation or refund. The hostmaster reserve the right to disclose your information to the competent authorities in case of legal proceedings.


General Data Protection Regulation.

This regulation concerns data collected from customers / users or subcontractors in Europe (EU) and Switzerland.

Any website that uses webtracking to track the activities of its visitors or to observe their browsing behavior can draw conclusions about the interests, preferences or habits of Internet users. The RGPD will no doubt be applicable.


What is the WDRP?

The WHOIS Data Reminder Policy (or WDRP) is an ICANN Policy designed to protect domain name registrants. The policy requires your registrar to formally remind you once a year to review and update your contact information. The reminder, which is also referred to as a WDRP Notice, is usually sent via email and asks you to review the WHOIS information, including contact information, associated with your domain name(s) and make corrections or updates when necessary.

I use a privacy and/or proxy service, do I still need to update my contact information?

Yes. Even if you are using a privacy and/or proxy service it's still important to make sure your contact information is up to date to be sure that you receive all notifications and requests from your registrar.

If you give wrong information on purpose, or don't update your information promptly if there is a change, your registrar can suspend or even cancel your domain name registration. This could also happen if you don't respond to inquiries by your registrar if they contact you about the accuracy of your contact information.

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